What is i-TRIER?

i-TRIER is a flexible, modular, open, interoperable yet strongly integrated Triage Management solution, part of the iProcureSecurity PCP H2020 project. The i-TRIER solution aims to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of  Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Civil Protection agencies in decision making, management and response to major emergencies related to natural disasters or man-made incidents, meeting the requirements of iProcureSecurity PCP.

i-TRIER brings together a team of Market-Leading Industrial Partners (CS GROUP-France, BETA80-Italy, ERC-Turkey) with a strong record in integrating their solutions in the operational systems of Civil Protection Agencies, Ambulance Dispatch Centers and Hospitals, a well-established in the Personal Health Data management domain and innovative SME (Gnomon-Greece), with a vast experience in participating and leading PCPs, as well as two renowned research institutes (ICCS-Greece, and UPO-CRIMEDIM-Italy) with a unique signature in leading research in the Technologies for First Responders and in the Disaster Medicine domains.

i-TRIER Main Goal

  • i-TRIER addresses the challenges associated with the effectiveness and efficiency of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and Civil Protection agencies decision making, management and response to major emergencies, either due to natural disasters or man-made incidents, supporting the development of novel, modular and highly flexible triage management system.

  • i-TRIER, being in line with the above main objectives of the iProcureSecurity PCP, brings as a legacy one of the very first fully digitized Triage Solution (ICCS Digital Triage Solution), fully qualified Common Operating, Command and Control, Decision Support Picture (CS Group, CRIMSON) and Computer Aided Dispatch (Beta80 Life1st) systems and a unique toolkit of Hospital Management Systems (ERC Avicenna) providing interoperability solutions for unifying Emergency and Victim Tracking data domains with the health-data related ones.

  • i-TRIER brings also at the forefront the citizens through the optimized management of their personal health record (PHR) and by securely and transparently providing access to it by EMS. A modular, open, interoperable yet strongly integrated solution will be provided, through advancements in existing functionalities both in hardware and software components, responding to the requirements of iProcureSecurity PCP.

  • In this framework, i-TRIER will establish a flexible interoperability framework, based on the decentralized data-mesh architecture, integrating the User Management, Emergency, Victim Tracking and Health data domains through an efficient streaming service in the Cloud, supporting also the local exchange of information to ensure robustness.

i-TRIER Concept

i-TRIER provides innovative, reliable and effective tools and services as part of the operational assets of the EMS and Civil Protection agencies in an integrated manner, facilitating also seamless interconnectivity with external and legacy systems.

i-TRIER builds upon the concept of:

Accurate, continuous, and complete evaluation and classification of casualties by the delivery of novel mobile applications coupled with an innovative wearable with vitals’ monitoring sensors and advanced on-board processing capabilities and other functionalities

Advanced CAD functions, that optimize victim transportation according to their needs

Improved situational awareness and threat and risk detection, through a COP platform with advanced capabilities optimising logistics, pre-hospitalisation processes and assets and resources availabilities and utilization

Mobile application to improve response activities through the integration of personal health records

Strong interoperability with external services and hospital management systems through an innovative and decentralized (therefore flexible and robust) interoperability framework

The Consortium

i-TRIER is supported by the services of Repado Informatics and Liguria Digitale acting as subcontractors

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i-TRIER would love to hear your feedback on how our solutions could be improved and maximise our impact on the society. Feel free to send us your ideas, either via email to info@i-TRIER.eu or via the Contact Form below!